Le Défi de l’Intelligence Collective des dirigeants

Les chefs d’entreprise négligent souvent le rapport au temps et de la capacité à collaborer avec des opinions divergentes dans les comités exécutifs, pourtant cruciaux pour le pilotage stratégique en période de crises. Des faillites en augmentation de 35 % en 2023, un contexte économique et politique incertain, des problèmes d’attractivité des talents… De nombreux […]

How can you re-engage participants who are disengaged or disinterested?

Assess the Situation Before trying to re-engage participants, you need to understand why they are disengaged or disinterested. Is it because they are bored, confused, distracted, overwhelmed, or resistant? Are they facing technical issues, personal challenges, or conflicting priorities? Do they feel excluded, ignored or disrespected? Try to observe their […]


Collaborative innovation labs: disseminating practices to transform the organization by C Defay

Over the past decade, I have been called upon to deploy and support numerous collaborative innovation labs or “collaboration zones”. These are spaces within organizations, dedicated to experimenting with new ways of doing things, resolutely focused on collective intelligence and collaboration between actors from different entities. These tools have […]


Some guidelines and tips for successful remote co-development by C Champagne

Remarks by practitioners of remote co-development in these difficult times Text produced in collaboration, coordination by Claude Champagne * As a leader of co-development groups sharing the humanist values ​​of mutual aid, sharing, benevolence and respect, how can I act to bring bond and humanity in this context of necessary confinement that we […]


Best practices in remote management by M Barable, S Hedroug and M Gaultier

As part of Public Innovation Month, the DGAFP organized a webinar devoted to best practices in remote management. The objective was to offer very concrete and inspiring testimonials to support managers in the current context by crossing the views of actors in the public and private sectors. This webinar brought together four speakers: Anne Amson (Chef […]


Collaborative innovation: How to animate remote communities? by LP Guillaume

In the aftermath of the confinement and now that flex-office and teleworking have become the new normal, we take stock of two companies that have been able to set up virtual communities to allow experts to innovate, collaborate and enhance their skills. knowledge, at a distance. Schneider Electric Thomas Simier, Quality Digital Transformation Program […]
